Just as important, at this stage of my life, I want to ‘Gather,’ learn more, teach more, share more, write more, create more, and grow more. I want to give back even a tiny portion of all I’ve so generously been given.
Sometimes, when we feel vulnerable, weak, confused, or depressed, it can be all too easy to give our power over to others, and then, move forward while we are out of touch with ourselves and our own inherent wisdom.
The four ravens stood still and silent on the cedar-post fence, like carved ebony statues…just staring at me, watching. Suddenly, one of these beautiful statues sprang to life, responding to my invitation to connect…
Have you ever felt, even momentarily, that you have not accomplished anything or gotten anything done? It’s not like we always have to be busy, but often we can feel that we ‘did nothing.’ Yet…rarely is this true.
Most of us know how hard it is to lose our dearest friends, but when death stacks one loss upon the other in a short time, then something deeper is asked of us.
I am so done with my culture diminishing, shaming, sanitizing, and pathologizing the rich, fertile Soul of our shadows, vitally important shadows laden with primordial wisdom.
I was grief-stricken that they would only have this one little gift, and what I gave them to take home to Mama….and then no more. How long would they survive?
They seemed almost suspended there, all facing me. It was an eerie feeling, as if aliens had flown in and were scanning me to collect data, to better understand who and what I was.
I saw shame again flit across the little girl’s face threatening to snuff out all hope. I watched her shrink back into herself, joy retracted. I started to speak, but the father was already marching forward.
In my culture, I have witnessed a form of verbal violence that affects the emotions and psyche of our tender human spirits. This violence is so pervasive and accepted that it's almost invisible. It is often disguised as love, spirituality, wisdom, and being helpful. And yet, more often than not, it fosters shame, alienation, and a lack of true human connection.
After about half a mile, I sensed someone or something watching me, and possibly following me. I felt the prickles of awareness on the back of my neck, and up my spine.
How many souls before me stood with faces tipped upward in breathless awe of those same twinkling stars? How many souls were comforted by their timeless presence? How many ancient boats were guided through dark seas? All I knew was that they tenderly watched over me, just as they tenderly watch over us all, no matter what we feel, no matter what events unfold. There they sit in the night sky loving us as if holding together the very fabric of The Great Mystery.
Suddenly, Little Robin realized that Mrs. Thatcher had just attacked her dream. No one else has been attacked. Why me? There had been one too many times when Mrs. Thatcher ridiculed Little Robin in front of the whole class. Today would be the last time.
Even as I lay immobile in my bed, my soul wandered with the deer. Single file, we climbed steep, rocky slopes, and slowly descended into deep, sandy ravines. They roamed through my mind and soul just as they roamed the mountain through all forces of nature.
In split seconds my thoughts frantically clambered over each other, racing to the top of my awareness. My brain exploded in liquid terror that screamed through my veins like razor blades. I automatically glanced in my rear-view mirror and saw bumper-to-bumper cars mere feet behind me.
As the coyotes drew closer to me, they started a shrill, high-pitched yipping. Although they didn’t growl or make huffing sounds, the warning was not to be ignored.
Nature repeatedly reminds me that there is nothing more powerful or fundamental than my own intuition and instincts. When we spend quiet time in nature, we are reminded of our own already-existing intelligence and inherent knowing, our already existing inner strength, courage, and wisdom.
How many and what kind of signals can we receive from the Living Earth. Scientists know that our bodies absorb free electrons when our bare feet or body come in direct contact with Earth, and they know how healing this can be (and feel). But what other information might we be taking in or sensing? Is Soil transmitting information through my Sole to my Soul? Yes, of course, I am taking in vast amounts of information that is vital to my survival and well being.
As I moved closer, I clearly saw the dark marks on her shoulders. They were huge raking scars. The absence of fur and the healed pink patches told the epic story of her great trauma and courageous survival. It appeared that she’d been attacked by a mountain lion (or possibly a bobcat), both are immensely large cats, silent, swift and powerful…hungry like all Life. Yes, the elusive cats, the timid deer and me…we all lived together on the mountain.
Sometimes a small spark ignites within us, inviting us to change the course of our lives, compelling us to move in directions that barely seem possible or real, like a dream beyond our reach.
All organisms, including humans, have a fundamental fear of being cut off from their Source. That too is hardwired into us, to ensure our survival. Without our Source—Earth—we cannot sustain life, just as a baby cannot survive without adult care.
Somewhere deep inside we long to reveal our beautiful hearts, hearts that might be marred by dark pain, grievous mistakes, hidden shame, and fear. Nonetheless, we are starved for connection, whether we realize it or not. Without connection something in us withers.
Rarely have I found courage to be something I experience before I leap into the unknown. More often than not, it's an after-the-fact emotion, one I feel after I've made myself face an abyss of fear. Although the actual decision to leap into the abyss has to be made by each of us, individually—and in that regard, it is a solitary experience—I feel that we do not walk alone to the edge. Others walk with us or have walked the edge before us, or follow behind us, whether or not they know it. Most of us cannot get through this life without at least one leap of faith.
They dropped closer and closer as I talked with them. Two of them flew so low I felt the whoosh of huge black wings on my face. Although they circled lower and closer, I stood completely calm.
The longer I live the more I shy away from cultural, familial, human/social expectations and edict. I listen more closely to my own wild heart yearnings and less to the push and pull of ‘shoulds’, ‘supposed to(s)’ and ‘have to(s)’.
DEAR LIVING EARTH --- I could not love you more. You saved my life when I was dying. You gave me family and soul-connection, a place in the Cosmos of Life, a place where I belong.
Just as important, at this stage of my life, I want to ‘Gather,’ learn more, teach more, share more, write more, create more, and grow more. I want to give back even a tiny portion of all I’ve so generously been given.